Forums - Re: SFA2 Top Teir Show all 32 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Re: SFA2 Top Teir ( Posted by DyselonSLX on 03:19:2001 08:47 AM: I've heard a few people say that this was their favorite in the alpha series. I'm starting to see why. I absolutley love the custom combos, and the backgrouds are gorgeous, and the sprites seem nice and big. I just started playing this, so I'm sure ther's tons of little subtleties I'm missing, but those are my first impressions. Thank you Raz and Dave. So, who's actually worth anything in this game. Who should I actually put time and effort into learning? Oh, and how effective/practical are custom combos, and what are some efficient ways to use them? -- DyselonSLX - Mashed potatoes are good Posted by MiamiX-Alex on 03:19:2001 09:59 AM: This game is actually one of the more balanced alpha's. But, Chun Li and Rose dominate the game unless your very advanced with your particular character. Here's and example of an easy way to kill people: Use Chun Li, activate CC, low roundhouse into her fast kicks, finish it with a couple of her upward kicks ( down up FK ). Watch your opponents energy disappear. Even with a level 1 you can take over 50% damage if done correctly. MiamiX-Alex Posted by State of Nature on 03:19:2001 11:32 AM: I recall Ken being rather excellent in this game. His standing forward, crouching fierce, and Strong DP are all excellent anti airs that require no super meter and cover almost every jump in eventuality. He also has the best defense against cross ups, which is his Shinryuken. His jumping fwd is a good cross up, and is easily set up by landing a a knee grab first. His kick AC takes away most people's fireball game from midrange, and does good damage. His best custom was crouching roundhouse, rh hurricane kick, fierce DP. Unless your opponent anticipates and blocks low, you are guaranteed good damage from 1/3 screen distance, cause it hits instantly. His Roll move combined with throws, DPs, and good ground attacks like crouching strong, low kicks, and standing short gave him a good ground game and a good wake up game. His own get-up game was pretty strong too with his strong DP and Shinryuken. He could also play limited keep away by mixing up hadoken speeds and his anti airs. Oh yeah, his roll was also good for staying in the right distance to pressure with footsies. I'd definitely argue Ken was top-tier in this game. Posted by X.C.O.P.Y on 03:19:2001 03:28 PM: I forget the term used for them..was it the big 4? something like that anyways its Rose - Chun li - Ryu - Ken in no particular order. Rose has low strong (I will beat everything) Chun has fucked up CC ( 60% lvl 1) Ryu is solid and good CC Ken same as Ryu + a wonderful Alpha counter, roll games and good CC everyone go buy the Versus A2 guide... The Player Formerly Known as Mouko. Official Website of Xerocrew Posted by Havoc911 on 03:19:2001 04:27 PM: Yeah, it was the big 4. They did dominate the game. I would still suggest trying other characters, though. It's no fun if you just use four characters. Try Charlie, he's alright, but has so much style (as does Guy). Gen is one of the more fun characters to play as also. If you want to win, though, the Big 4 are your best chance in the beginning. Please believe it Posted by State of Nature on 03:20:2001 10:50 AM: How was 'Gief rated in this game? What were the established tiers? Posted by Mummy-B on 03:20:2001 11:01 AM: I was all about Blanka in that game. I loved Blanka in SFA2, I don't know why, but I think he rocked and I did very very well with him... Posted by GRANDDANdaMAN on 03:20:2001 11:16 AM: why isn't Dan a top tier?Dan is one of the character with chain combos in SFA2. lp,mp,hp,hk, and his dashing attacks are very cool to use. but i guess the lack of a projectile can hurt him. but all of the characters in SFA2 are pretty much even out, theres not really one that could dominate over all the characters. I think Akuma, come very close to being supreme though, being the only one with an air fireball and air fireball super, plus the raging demon and teleport, ...of course akuma is only second to Dan Dan's the Man Posted by Buktooth88 on 03:20:2001 11:29 AM: Ummm.... Blanka wasn't even in A2. His Alpha debut was in A3. Also, the only two people with chain combos in A2 were Gen and Guy. Posted by Ryu1999 on 03:20:2001 11:33 AM: quote: Originally posted by GRANDDANdaMAN: why isn't Dan a top tier?Dan is one of the character with chain combos in SFA2. lp,mp,hp,hk, and his dashing attacks are very cool to use. but i guess the lack of a projectile can hurt him. but all of the characters in SFA2 are pretty much even out, theres not really one that could dominate over all the characters. I think Akuma, come very close to being supreme though, being the only one with an air fireball and air fireball super, plus the raging demon and teleport, ...of course akuma is only second to Dan Dan's the Man i've heard from sources saying that the cali players agree (including Valle and Choi) that Ryu is #1 in that game after all the deliberation. but like people said, no one owns anyone for free, outside the big 4 as was mentioned. akuma is hardly top tier as his air fireball was raped from sfa1, and combine his crappy stamina with hardly any outstanding qualities (compared to the others shotos) he couldn't really make it. mostly it was about his stamina. his raging demon is nothing compared to his CVS version. rose's punch AC is a thing to be feared, as was ken's kick AC I'll take the shoryuken over the EWGF any day! Ryu1999 -=Super-Scrub Extraodinare=- Posted by Gunter on 03:20:2001 11:45 AM: quote: Originally posted by Ryu1999: akuma is hardly top tier as his air fireball was raped from sfa1, and combine his crappy stamina with hardly any outstanding qualities (compared to the others shotos) he couldn't really make it. Akuma may be shit, but Gouki isn't. By that, I mean that in JAPAN, Gouki was a very strong character. Just because people in the States couldn't use him for shit, doesn't mean that he's a shitty character. He is one of the few characters that can rape you with a custom combo even BEFORE he has a full level 1. Posted by t-bob on 03:20:2001 11:53 AM: quote: Originally posted by GRANDDANdaMAN: why isn't Dan a top tier?Dan is one of the character with chain combos in SFA2. lp,mp,hp,hk, and his dashing attacks are very cool to use. but i guess the lack of a projectile can hurt him. but all of the characters in SFA2 are pretty much even out, theres not really one that could dominate over all the characters. I think Akuma, come very close to being supreme though, being the only one with an air fireball and air fireball super, plus the raging demon and teleport, ...of course akuma is only second to Dan Dan's the Man Uhhhh, this sounds like Guy, not Dan. Dan has no "dashing attacks", while Guy's qcf+k moves are definitely dashing. Also, Dan didn't have a chain combo, but Jab, Strong, Fierce, Roundhouse was Guy's staple ground combo (hence it was called the Final Fight combo I think, it's his attack sequence from that game). And last but not least, Dan does have a fireball, it's just no-range. So, yeah, I think you just have your names mixed up Posted by Overdrive on 03:20:2001 08:28 PM: A2 doesn't play like any other SF game at all. The #1 thing you must learn is how to deal with CCs. They are the most dangerous weapon in the game. They are like instant supers that hit low. Upon activation, if your opponent is standing (even stand BLOCKING) and you immediately do a low RH, he will not be able to block it. What makes them even more deadly is that they only require mashing 3 buttons to activate and most of them do a TON of damage. This means that if you stand up at all within sweep range of an opponent who has super meter, you are leaving yourself WIDE OPEN for a LOT of damage. Most people have a hard time dealing with this because they are used to making a bigass mistake (like throwing a predictable fireball or not blocking a crossup) in order to lose so much life. In this game, just standing up at the wrong time means a lot of hurtin'. On top of that, CCs can be used for just about anything a super can be used for. Punishing whiffed moves, reversals, anti-air, chipping... even stopping Zangief SPD-ticks. Level 2 or higher CCs go through fireballs. You can also do them in the air to go through various anti-air moves. Tier 1: Ryu Chun Li Rose Ken Ryu kills just about everybody in the game with just fierce fireballs. He also has impenetrable air-defense (low fierce, DP). Chun Li kills everybody except Ryu with low forward, FB and an insane CC (low RH, lightning kick, last second upkick). She also has like 10 different ways to stop jumpins (just push any button, chances are, it'll beat whatever they do), 10 different ways to jumpin, and a million other tricks (flipkick, bicyle kick, headstomps, etc.)... she can use all of that crap to kill off everybody else (except Ryu who can stop everything she does with fireballs) with little-to-no effort at all. She has a tiny bit of trouble against Rose (low strong), but she still beats her. Rose kills everybody except Ryu and Chun with low strong. She also has a great punch AC, shadows super, great air defense (low fierce, super soul throw, or just punch AC) and a decent level1 CC. Ken is a lot like Ryu, but his fireball isn't quite as good. He makes up for it by having a great kick AC that does nearly 15% damage (also reaches 1/3 screen), an awesome CC, and a bunch of confusion tactics with the roll. He also has near-invincible air-defense of low fierce, standing forward, or DP. Tier 2: Zangief Charlie Sakura Sagat Rolento Zangief's CC is probably the best in the game. It has the most range (nearly 1/2 screen) and does the most damage. It also sets him up for a free SPD tick/mixup (since they get up after the CC right next to him). He also has his traditional SPD-ticks and a good air game (knees, splash). He dies 0-10 to Chun Li, Ryu, and Ken, though. He can give Rose problems because he can jump on her for free. Charlie isn't really that great, but he doesn't suck either. His sonic boom games work fairly well, but he has some trouble with jumpins (his only antiair is standing strong, FK gets beat by everything). He dies to the entire top tier and has trouble with Zangief (who can jump on him for free). Sakura has exactly one trick, which is her nearly unblockable crossup (it's technically blockable, but so ambiguous that knowing which way to block is a complete 50/50 guess). Off of any knockdown, she can do it, go into a combo (short, short, short, DP), and repeat it... if you manage to block, she can throw, which puts you back on the ground, allowing her to crossup again. She also has a good standing fierce/RH for ground games. Sagat has an insane level1 CC (low RH, tiger knee, last-second tiger uppercut) which does nearly 50% damage and has good range. He has good air-defense (standing RH, tiger uppercut) and a decent ground game with tiger shots and standing forwards. Rolento can throw knives, poke with low fierce, and run all day. Standing strong/fierce stop jumpins and if he's ever in trouble, he can kick AC away, or CC (low RH, superjump shorts for insane damage). Just about everybody else in the game is trash. Sodom, Bison, Akuma, and Dhalsim are somewhat playable, but they really lack what it takes to compete with the upper tier characters. Dan doesn't completely suck... he has a lot of decent pokes on the ground, a great jumping short/strong, and a decent CC. Evil Ryu also fits in somewhere in the upper tiers, but I don't know enough about him to know where to put him. I do know that his CC causes blow-out anywhere on the screen and that he plays a lot like regular Ryu. He does take slightly more damage, though. That's about all there is in a nutshell, I guess. Posted by Ryu1999 on 03:20:2001 08:47 PM: quote: Originally posted by Gunter: Akuma may be shit, but Gouki isn't. By that, I mean that in JAPAN, Gouki was a very strong character. Just because people in the States couldn't use him for shit, doesn't mean that he's a shitty character. He is one of the few characters that can rape you with a custom combo even BEFORE he has a full level 1. here we go again with the "US playesr don't know hot to use XX character" thread. well i was basing my arguments on US analysis, and what akuma can do, the other shotos (and plenty of other characters) can do 10x times better. why don't u tell us some of your akuma strats that makes him so good? he has no room for mistakes cause of his girly-man physique, his roll is useless, his air fireball sucks, his fireball is nowhere as good as ryu's, demon flip doesn't work as well as in A3... and, a common problem that Akuma and E. Ryu has is that they can't wake-up Strong DP anything cause of their multiple-hit properties (as in, if they only get one hit in, the opponent will still be on the ground as they're still going up.) strong DP/Fierce DP is invincible towards the beginning of the move, while jab is invincible more towards the apex. Oh yeah, btw, it was me and this other guy who donated SFA2 to cps2shock, and we managed to donate street fighter zero 2 alpha, probably the rarest sf game out there I'll take the shoryuken over the EWGF any day! Ryu1999 -=Super-Scrub Extraodinare=- [This message has been edited by Ryu1999 (edited 03-20-2001).] Posted by emagius on 03:20:2001 10:00 PM: quote: Originally posted by Overdrive: <SNIP> Tier 1: Ryu Chun Li Rose Ken <SNIP> Tier 2: Zangief Charlie Sakura Sagat Rolento <SNIP> Just about everybody else in the game is trash. IMHO, Adon is a decent character -- definately not tier 1, but in tier 2 along with Rolento. He's got a better chance against the top tier-shotos than most 2nd tier chars, and his CCs are better than average. His normals are some of the best in the game -- crouching strong, anyone? Even his standing RH is a decent poke. The Jaguar knee is good (in CCs) and as an anti-air, and his Jaguar kick is good against fireballs. Unfortunately, he's brought down by his lack of easy to use combos, lag, and his somewhat predictable moves (especially against turtles). Still tier 2, though. Best, --(e)magius Posted by Kouryuken on 03:20:2001 10:15 PM: Now this has nothing to do with the combo's or anything, but does anyone know how to pick :Shin Akuma/Evil Dan?/Classic Chun-li and other's: in the Arcade version? gameFAQ's only says how to pick Evil Ryu, but does anyone know how to pick them at all? Posted by Ryu1999 on 03:20:2001 10:54 PM: Shin Akuma wasn't in the arcades, i dont' remember if Classic Chun-li was, but if she is, its just hold down start for five seconds and then choose her. Evil Dan is just a rumor and/or the hack job someone did for finalburn changing his colors I'll take the shoryuken over the EWGF any day! Ryu1999 -=Super-Scrub Extraodinare=- Posted by Kouryuken on 03:21:2001 12:21 AM: But you can pick Shin Akuma in FinalBurn with a save state... He MUST be in the game. Posted by rusbar on 03:21:2001 12:59 AM: man, i wanna start playin sfa2 now. i didn't know there was so much strategy in the cc's Are you ok? Busterwolf. . .PowerGEYSER! Posted by Ryu1999 on 03:21:2001 02:26 AM: quote: Originally posted by Kouryuken: But you can pick Shin Akuma in FinalBurn with a save state... He MUST be in the game. it was a hack. sort of like how you could play the bosses and Anita in US version of MSH for final burn, but it was only possible to select them in the japanese version for the arcades I'll take the shoryuken over the EWGF any day! Ryu1999 -=Super-Scrub Extraodinare=- Posted by Gunter on 03:21:2001 01:28 PM: [QUOTE]Originally posted by Ryu1999: here we go again with the "US playesr don't know hot to use XX character" thread. Especially after the Invitational, outside of MvC2, there were exactly TWO characters that the US players used better than the Japanese - in ANY game. ST OG.Sagat, and 3S Gouki. That's IT. I believe even Seth stated that the Japanese players were using characters much closer to their full potential in comparison to US players. Well i was basing my arguments on US analysis, and what akuma can do, the other shotos (and plenty of other characters) can do 10x times better. Akuma was never used seriously by any of the top players. True, Ryu and Ken are easier to use, Akuma is AT LEAST 2nd tier. Well, GOUKI is... I dunno if he was changed at all for SFA2. why don't u tell us some of your akuma strats that makes him so good? Okay. I'll try. But, since they took out the last Z2 out of Japan last year, it's mostly from memory... he has no room for mistakes cause of his girly-man physique, This is supposed to make sense? Zangief has possibly the widest physique, yet he's tier 2. his roll is useless, Debatable. Used sparingly, it's better than having no roll at all. his air fireball sucks, Not for charging meter it doesn't. his fireball is nowhere as good as ryu's, Neither is Ken's. But he has other properties that make him good. Same with Gouki/Akuma. Such as: - Crossup Dizzy Combo Not sure if Ken has it, but Ryu definitely does. Crossup Forward, C.Strong, S.Strong XX FB. Does a TON of dizzy if not 100% dizzy. Follow with - - Anti-Air CC You simply CANNOT JUMP AT AKUMA if you want to live. ESPECIALLY not without meter. Akuma's CCs are some of the strongest in the game - anti-air Jab DP, red FBs, or insert Strong/Fierce DP at the end, or HKs in between. Hell, make it a Valle CC and you can kill without it being an AA CC. - Combo into CC As if the Crossup Combo wasn't bad enough, you can change that combo into a HK combo, and juggle afterwards with a CC. Plus, since the combo BEFORE the CC builds super meter, you can actually do a CC before you have one full meter (IIRC, at the conclusion of the combo, it still counts it as a Custom Combo, even though you initiated the combo before you had meter). This is probably the one thing that sets him apart from every other character in the game. Oh yeah, btw, it was me and this other guy who donated SFA2 to cps2shock, and we managed to donate street fighter zero 2 alpha, probably the rarest sf game out there In Japan, Z2A is in more arcades than Z2 (absolutely no Z2s in Tokyo anymore... prolly in the whole Kanto region, if not all of Japan). I have yet to see a SF here tho. IMO, THAT is the rarest SF game of all. [This message has been edited by Gunter (edited 03-21-2001).] Posted by Ryu1999 on 03:21:2001 01:37 PM: and you quoted this message because....? I'll take the shoryuken over the EWGF any day! Ryu1999 -=Super-Scrub Extraodinare=- Posted by olds on 03:21:2001 02:36 PM: I dont think Akuma's roll is that bad in SFA2. It's certainly better than his crazy tumble-roll from SFA! Posted by Gunter on 03:21:2001 03:03 PM: quote: Originally posted by Ryu1999: and you quoted this message because....? In my opinion, it is easier to counter points when you quote. Just like it's easier to look stupid when you don't wait for someone to edit a post that was accidentally sent up to the forum. Or when you post meaningless one-liner posts. I just LOVE seeing those... Posted by Ryu1999 on 03:21:2001 08:13 PM: i'm glad this didn't turn into a flame war. but i still have to disagree. the reason i posted that one-liner was because at that time, you quoted my message with no additional commentray so i thought it was very strange. anyways, by girly-man physique i meant akuma's atrocious stamina. and i said ken didn't have a good fireball, but that he had other things, but that akuma didn't have either. for the sfa2/sfz2 revisisons, i believe the only change they had was adding evil ryu in the US version. what you posted about akuma's CC abilities has opened my eyes, but i still think the big 4 ARE the big 4 for a reason. CC's are pretty common, and you're going to get hit by one of them sooner or later, and you're going to have to take it and get back up. but with akuma, i THINK you can pull a 50% lvl 1 CC with no sweat. but i dunno. SFZ2A was COMMON????? i fucking had to look around the whole frickin internet to find a b-board to buy!!!! ARGHHHHHH! maybe its cause most people don't sell their b-boards like this... quote: Originally posted by Gunter: [QUOTE]Originally posted by Ryu1999: here we go again with the "US playesr don't know hot to use XX character" thread. Especially after the Invitational, outside of MvC2, there were exactly TWO characters that the US players used better than the Japanese - in ANY game. ST OG.Sagat, and 3S Gouki. That's IT. I believe even Seth stated that the Japanese players were using characters much closer to their full potential in comparison to US players. Well i was basing my arguments on US analysis, and what akuma can do, the other shotos (and plenty of other characters) can do 10x times better. Akuma was never used seriously by any of the top players. True, Ryu and Ken are easier to use, Akuma is AT LEAST 2nd tier. Well, GOUKI is... I dunno if he was changed at all for SFA2. why don't u tell us some of your akuma strats that makes him so good? Okay. I'll try. But, since they took out the last Z2 out of Japan last year, it's mostly from memory... he has no room for mistakes cause of his girly-man physique, This is supposed to make sense? Zangief has possibly the widest physique, yet he's tier 2. his roll is useless, Debatable. Used sparingly, it's better than having no roll at all. his air fireball sucks, Not for charging meter it doesn't. his fireball is nowhere as good as ryu's, Neither is Ken's. But he has other properties that make him good. Same with Gouki/Akuma. Such as: - Crossup Dizzy Combo Not sure if Ken has it, but Ryu definitely does. Crossup Forward, C.Strong, S.Strong XX FB. Does a TON of dizzy if not 100% dizzy. Follow with - - Anti-Air CC You simply CANNOT JUMP AT AKUMA if you want to live. ESPECIALLY not without meter. Akuma's CCs are some of the strongest in the game - anti-air Jab DP, red FBs, or insert Strong/Fierce DP at the end, or HKs in between. Hell, make it a Valle CC and you can kill without it being an AA CC. - Combo into CC As if the Crossup Combo wasn't bad enough, you can change that combo into a HK combo, and juggle afterwards with a CC. Plus, since the combo BEFORE the CC builds super meter, you can actually do a CC before you have one full meter (IIRC, at the conclusion of the combo, it still counts it as a Custom Combo, even though you initiated the combo before you had meter). This is probably the one thing that sets him apart from every other character in the game. Oh yeah, btw, it was me and this other guy who donated SFA2 to cps2shock, and we managed to donate street fighter zero 2 alpha, probably the rarest sf game out there In Japan, Z2A is in more arcades than Z2 (absolutely no Z2s in Tokyo anymore... prolly in the whole Kanto region, if not all of Japan). I have yet to see a SF here tho. IMO, THAT is the rarest SF game of all. [This message has been edited by Gunter (edited 03-21-2001).] i'm glad this didn't turn into a flame war. but i still have to disagree. the reason i posted that one-liner was because at that time, you quoted my message with no additional commentray so i thought it was very strange. anyways, by girly-man physique i meant akuma's atrocious stamina. and i said ken didn't have a good fireball, but that he had other things, but that akuma didn't have either. for the sfa2/sfz2 revisisons, i believe the only change they had was adding evil ryu in the US version. what you posted about akuma's CC abilities has opened my eyes, but i still think the big 4 ARE the big 4 for a reason. CC's are pretty common, and you're going to get hit by one of them sooner or later, and you're going to have to take it and get back up. but with akuma, i THINK you can pull a 50% lvl 1 CC with no sweat. but i dunno. SFZ2A was COMMON????? i fucking had to look around the whole frickin internet to find a b-board to buy!!!! ARGHHHHHH! maybe its cause most people don't sell their b-boards like this... I'll take the shoryuken over the EWGF any day! Ryu1999 -=Super-Scrub Extraodinare=- Posted by X.C.O.P.Y on 03:21:2001 09:09 PM: Gunter knows his shit That ho lives in Japan foh' sheezy. As for Zero 2 Alpha, should really be your only source for boards. It maybe hard to find a source in the US that has the board, but I always see them pop up on ebay and recently sold out of stock, but they always have at least 5-10 boards when they update. The Player Formerly Known as Mouko. Official Website of Xerocrew Posted by TS on 03:21:2001 09:46 PM: quote: Originally posted by Gunter: Akuma may be shit, but Gouki isn't. By that, I mean that in JAPAN, Gouki was a very strong character. Just because people in the States couldn't use him for shit, doesn't mean that he's a shitty character. He is one of the few characters that can rape you with a custom combo even BEFORE he has a full level 1. Could have sworn I heard something about how the U.S. owns/owned Japan in SFA2... Posted by Ryu1999 on 03:21:2001 10:18 PM: quote: Originally posted by X.C.O.P.Y: Gunter knows his shit That ho lives in Japan foh' sheezy. As for Zero 2 Alpha, should really be your only source for boards. It maybe hard to find a source in the US that has the board, but I always see them pop up on ebay and recently sold out of stock, but they always have at least 5-10 boards when they update. The Player Formerly Known as Mouko. Official Website of Xerocrew[/B][/QUOTE] yeah when i checked they were out of stock, but we managed to get a SFZ2A board though. but enough jap-ass kissing :-) j/k. i don't know aobut the US owning the japaense at SFA2 since it seems that we're only good in MVC2 compared to them I'll take the shoryuken over the EWGF any day! Ryu1999 -=Super-Scrub Extraodinare=- Posted by Buktooth88 on 03:21:2001 10:34 PM: I forgot, what's the difference between SFZ2 and SFZA2? Posted by TS on 03:22:2001 01:48 AM: quote: Originally posted by Buktooth88: I forgot, what's the difference between SFZ2 and SFZA2? SFZ2 is the earlier version of SFA2...pretty much the same game, except it's missing Evil Ryu, the Classic Mode characters, and those extra stages (the waterfall one and the grassy one). Since SFA2 obviously wasn't going to be released in Japan, Capcom decided to do a revision of it and call it SFZ2A (which as far as I know, is the exact same game as SFA2 Gold). SFZ2A didn't make many broad changes...I think the only ones were that Alpha Counters are now 1 and 1/2 levels instead of just one. Cammy got added in the home version of the game as well...the rest of the changes are character-specific. Guy get's his new grab super he has in A3, Gen's jumps get changed and he loses one of his CCs, I think the lag time on Rose's Soul Spirals is increased (not sure, never played to much SFA2), more classical mode characters are added (in Z2A everyone who was in SSF2T can be played in Classical mode), Ryu gets his red fireball he has in SFA3, Ken gets his fake roll from A3, etc etc. Posted by Gunter on 03:22:2001 09:50 AM: BTW, just to set the record straight... I'm not a Japan ass-kisser. Sure, I live here, sure I love the country... but when I get my name up on the game, I always put "USA" as my initials. [This message has been edited by Gunter (edited 03-21-2001).] Posted by Gunter on 03:22:2001 09:53 AM: quote: Originally posted by TS: Could have sworn I heard something about how the U.S. owns/owned Japan in SFA2... When the US team came to Japan, the last Z2 machine in Tokyo had already been taken out of the arcade. There were no Z2 games played. When Alex and John came the year before, Alex didn't lose to anybody but me. All times are GMT. The time now is 10:46 PM. Show all 32 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.